We will be moving our TeamSpeak server (voice.helpcomponline.com) possibly on Saturday May 30th, or Saturday June 6th 2015.

The server has been successfully moved to our new host (

Why? Our Current host has become less reliable and I’m concerned about the potential of the company closing and the possibility of data loss.

When? June 6, 2015 – Close or around 6AM GMT

Issues? We don’t foresee any issues that could arise from this move, a simple DNS update on our end and clients (like yourself) if using voice.helpcomponline.com as the IP will automatically join the new server. If your friends are on the old server we will post the IP address of the old server so you can still go back and join until their DNS updates.

Downtime? None at the transfer, when the move happens we will need to restart once all clients are connected to update our ATHP license.

Benefits? Our new host will have pure SSD and a better backbone (Network) than our current host thus reducing latency and connectivity issues. Network port will also be boosted from 100 Mbps to 500 Mbps. We’re also looking into DDoS Protection, clusters, and daily server backups as well.

The TeamSpeak server will be upgraded to, a database backup will be made, and our database software will be upgraded as well.


Questions? Private Message me (Superk) on TeamSpeak.

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