For those that were not aware we were working on a Channel Management System to replace slow, old, and bad looking MyExtraneous version.

We went through a total of 4 revisions (MyExtraneous, Testing, Alpha, and now Beta). The Beta Version is going to be the public version once we get all the features added (Create Channel, Channel Activity Graph (Premium), Channel Icon (Premium), File Browser (Premium), Channel Sorting, Channel Description Editing (With WYSIWYG editor)).

However, due to the large amount of code required to make this work, and as I was the only one coding this there’s bound to be mistakes.  So, if you’re interested in doing some testing please contact me (Superk) on TeamSpeak.

For those that are curious, here’s some pictures of what it looks like. There may be some minor modifications, but this may be what the final release looks like

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