We have moved hosts for upcoming future projects, as such there was extended downtime for GamersArray, and Asuna.

Unfortunately due to server configuration one of our database accounts old passwords were leaked. As we constantly change database passwords, and as this was an old account, and limited to only our old status API, no information was leaked (as it was all public anyway).

We have also found someone had gained administrative access to our CMS and had placed phishing / spam URLs throughout the site. We have went through and cleaned up all the ones we could find, as well as did a search on all pages. If however you find one we missed please contact Kyle (admin@helpcomponline.com) as soon as possible with the URL you found it on (example: gamersarray.com/teamspeak). We have blocked the user, and have added additional security measures to hopefully prevent this from happening again.

* While they did have admin access to the CMS, the CMS and our TeamSpeak Management code are completely separate entities – as such they did not gain any access to the databases, or personal information.

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