We may be moving our server again due to the recent amount of DoS attacks at our current datacenter as well as to get ready for our re-release. We plan to make this transition on Friday April 15, 2016 but may delay it. During this move we will move to a better rated datacenter that provides DoS protection. This will also be a cloud hosted server, so uptime is guaranteed at 99.999%.


When: Friday April 22, 2016

Current Status: Completed. All DNS changes have propagated successfully. Please connect using: voice.helpcomponline.com


All channels will be transferred over, including permissions. This will just be like disconnecting and reconnecting and you’ll be on the new server. We will keep the old server up for 20 or so days just so everyone can move over (If you’re connecting using IP you will need to manually update to the new IP. We will release that information once it becomes available. If you’re already connecting using voice.helpcomponline.com there’s nothing you need to change as you’re ready for our move.)

Please make sure you’re using voice.helpcomponline.com to connect to our TeamSpeak server. This will provide you a reliable and fast transition to our new host. We will also be upgrading our license to prepare for the re-release as well.


* This date may change. If it does we will update this post as well as post an announcement on TeamSpeak.

* The original date: April 15 has been postponed as our server is still being set up.

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