The Server address is:
No server password is required to join.
- Easy to create, instant creation, can have as many founders (Channel Admins) as needed. Uses our Channel Management
- Harder to find
- Eligible for Premium Status
- You have to have an Admin, or Moderator create it for you.
- You can only have the channel under Private or Public channels
- One founder
- No web management.
Contact any of the GamersArray staff on Teamspeak (They have badges on the right of their name)
Short answer: Your information is safe. We do not and will not release logs or ANY information to anyone, including third-party individuals.
Long answer:
What is logged
- IP addresses
- Your TeamSpeak Unique ID (UID)
- When you connected / disconnected and any permission changes (joined a group, edited a channels permission)
- Any messages to Asuna or an Admin
- Channel Chat (Lobby only)
- Files uploaded / downloaded from TeamSpeak
What is NOT logged
- Voice Communication
- Private Messages
- Channel Chat
While we do not log voice communications or private messages the receiving user / party may.
Any information logged on this server is ONLY accessible by Superk. No other admins / users have access to this information. Passwords are all encrypted and are NOT recoverable / viewable by anyone (including Superk).
Logs are kept for one year for diagnostic purposes only. We do not and will not release logs or ANY information to anyone including third-party individuals.
If your channel will be inactive for a specific time please contact Superk as well so we can make an exception for you.
Keep in mind though, if your channel doesn’t have a password anyone can join – But you can set it up so only those with voice can talk.
Please include the following information
- Users Name (Copy & Paste their name)
- Time incident occurred
- Screenshot of the incident (or video)
- What they did / what rule you feel they violated.
TeamSpeak is almost identical to Ventrilo, but with a lot more features, and exceptional audio / audio codecs.
- Appropriate Channel / Client Names
- Listen and respect the Admins
- No Advertising (Games are OK, or advertising your clan / legion is fine)
- No Harassment
- Don’t impersonate staff members
- No Racism, Sexism, or excessive swearing
- No Spam
We are currently working on a system that will allow you to “Search & Join” channels (if approved by their founder) depending on the game / topic. But this is still in early design stages and may not be available for a while.
Even Premium channels are free (but they do have requirements).
How do I get a premium channel?
- Your channel must be managed – Using the GamersArray Channel Management System
- Your channel must have an average of 7 people per-week.
Benefits of Premium Channel
- Easier to find
- Channel Icon (Through GamersArray Channel Management)
- Channel Activity Graph
- File Browser
How do I get a premium channel
- Contact Superk
If your channel is currently a premium channel and it doesn’t meet the minimum requirements your channel will be moved back to its previous primary channel prior to the move. (If you were in FPS you will be moved back to FPS.)
- Please verify you’re connecting with or and NOT by an IP
- Check our Server Status –
If you’re still unable to join, please open a ticket here – with the following information
- Your Client Nickname
- Your IP address
- The Exact error message you’re getting when trying to join
Be sure to include the following information or you may delay the unban request
- Your Nickname
- The full ban message
- Your IP Address
- Your Unique ID
- Can be found by Opening Teamspeak > Settings > Identities > Copy / Paste the Unique ID
If it was successful you will receive a message saying “You have been unsubscribed! If / when you wish to re-subscribe type !subscribe”
– Server Admin – Manages and maintains the Teamspeak server. Has over all control of the server and oversees the performance and condition of the server.
– Server Operator – Enforce teamspeak rules and maintain the channel structure of the Teamspeak server. Can perform most administrative functions as a SA.
– Server Moderator – Enforce teamspeak rules.
Channel Roles
– Founder – Owner of the channel, and can apply operator, and voice roles within the channel.
– Operator – Can manage the channel and appoint half-operator and voice roles within the channel.
– Half Operator – Can grant talk power and kick or ban from the channel and can appoint voice roles within the channel.
– Voice – Automatically granted talk power.
Discord Pros
- No software required which means you can join on any computer with an internet connection
- No need to find a “host”, you can create your own room
- No need for passwords as friends must be invited to your room
- Servers almost never go down / offline. Automatic failover
- Can pick where you want your server to be located
Discord Cons
- You need to be invited to join a friends room. There’s no searching
- No channel icons
- No sub channels / spacers (no organization)
- Poor voice quality (distortion, crackling, lag)
- Higher ping / more lag
- Extremely limited permissions
- If accounts are not claimed and you lose access to that account you no longer have admin access to your room
- Other people must register to join your room
- Buggy iOS app
- Client in Windows is JavaScript based (this means low performance) including FPS drops in games in larger servers
- Can only connect to 1 server at a time
- No plugin support (no customization)
- Poor stability on servers (text / audio lag)
- Voice communication, text messages, and images are all collected and may be sold to third party individuals. Read Discord’s Privacy Policy –
- Advertisement
- Does not respond to Do Not Track requests
TeamSpeak Pros
- This server is free
- Voice Quality Control (Higher or lower)
- You can have music bots or other add-ons (plugin support w/ full customization of the client)
- Channel Icons
- Channel Descriptions, topics, different channel passwords
- Easier to manage your channel
- Permissions can be regained
- Manageable via GamersArray Channel Management or within TeamSpeak
- You only need to remember “” to connect / Easy to find the server address
- Better stability for clients
- No issues over time (TeamSpeak is extremely stable both server and on computer clients)
- No performance degradation
- Can join multiple servers, can have multiple clients running
- Encrypted Voice / Text communication
TeamSpeak Cons
- Software is required (however all OS’s and mobile devices are supported)
- Higher chance of downtime / Higher ping depending on where you’re located in the world
- People can see / join your channel if it doesn’t have a password.
We urge you to give our TeamSpeak server a try. If you don’t like something please contact Superk and we might be able to fix it.
What about the Discord Features? It says TeamSpeak doesn’t support modern text chat, doesn’t have DDoS protection, doesn’t have a friends list, and isn’t free.
- TeamSpeak has Channel Chat, Global Server Chat (Admins only), and Private-message chat with the ability to customize how it looks (themes).
- Our server is hosted by the same company that hosts Discord (Google), plus our server does have DDoS protection.
- TeamSpeak does have a friends list as well as a block list. Friends show up green, blocked people show up red.
- Our server is 100% free so there’s no charge to use our server. Although the mobile app does cost money if you wish to use TeamSpeak on your phone or non-windows tablet. (Mac, Linux, and Windows are free)
Sorting requires a specific permission which will let you move your channel anywhere, this means you can move it under any channel, you can even move your channel in other channels. Plus it’s also extremely easy to mistakenly move a channel somewhere else – as such we’ve restricted it to GamersArray which has a easier to use interface and prevents possible abuse.
Granting founder can be done through TeamSpeak, however this grants them full access over the channel – as such we’ve still given you the ability to do it, but you must go through GamersArray as an extra security measure.
Some other permissions require the channels permissions to be modified which places your channel at a higher risk to be exploited, as such we’ve disabled these permissions and require you to go through GamersArray again as a security measure.
If you absolutely need access through TeamSpeak, please place a support ticket and we will see what we can do.
The reason behind this is space. As we’re such a large TeamSpeak server, if everyone started uploading files our servers would keep running out of space bringing the cost of running up.
Information we will need:
- Name of the channel
- Current owner
- Who is taking over ownership of the channel
If there are operators currently assigned to the channel one of them will be promoted to founder / owner, otherwise it will go to half-operator if there are no operators. We will need at least 2-3 different people confirming the new founder before it will be granted.
For up-to-date information please see: